Business Phoning

Level Intermediate & Above

Course Description

Speaking English on the telephone could possibly be one of the most challenging tasks for any English learner simply because there are no visual clues and you cannot see the person you are talking to. This workshop will help trainees break the ice and orient them with suggested guidelines so that a trainee leaves a good impression and stands a much greater chance of getting engaged in conversations on the telephone smoothly as a part of their work.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, trainees should be able to:

  • Gain confidence in making phone calls using the appropriate language 
  • Be acquainted with helpful golden rules 
  • Recognize certain guidelines before making phone calls    
  • Recognize the Do's and Don'ts when making or answering phone calls
  • Recognize the phrase: Can I take a message?
  • Recognize how to leave a message

Certificate Description

A trainee must complete the course with attendance rate over 80% to obtain a certification in Business Phoning.

Target Attendence

  • Executive Officers
  • Assistants
  • Administrative Officers
  • Secretaries
  • All Staff within an Organization
  • Everyone who needs little help for her/his professional development

Problem and challenges encountered
Oral forms of communication
Common phrases for a caller and a receiver on the phone
What makes a phone conversation successful?
Steps to Leave a message over the phone
Orientation of golden rules

This workshop is designed by ALTANMYA to acquaint trainees with helpful golden rules of making phone calls confidently and leaving a good impression.
