Translation As A Career

Translation As A Career

Level Intermediate and above
Certificate Translation As A Career

Course Description

Translation as a Career focuses on enhancing students’ translation skills by guiding them towards making sound judgments in sentence structure and vocabulary choices in both English and Arabic. It also offers the translators the chance to receive feedback on their work and have constant follow-up that would ensure they hone the skills required to becoming professional translators. The course also introduces students to the essentials of freelance work and CAT tools.

What Makes This Course Different?

  • -  It is profession-oriented, which looks at translation as a profession and equips students with the skills required for success in translation both as a skill and as a profession
  • -  It offers one-on-one training. Students get feedback and reports on their work, highlighting their weaknesses and strengths so they can have a tangible plan towards improving their translation.
  • -  It is filled with the “secrets and perks of the trade”, making their journey into the professional world of translation easier, both as freelances or as full-timers at translation agencies
  • -  It offers special focus on translation to English in order to reach a native-like quality
  • -  It introduces the student to different types of translation required in the translation industry today, such as Creative Translation, and the skills required to master them.
  • -  It offers training using some of the most important CAT tools in the industry: Trados and SmartCat
  • -  In addition to strategies that helps build vocabulary, the course teaches the student how to use dictionaries effectively and how to do research as two essential skills in the process of translation
  • -  It highlights key strategies to strengthen writing style and structure, both in Arabic and English, in order to avoid any hints of literal translation 

Course Objectives

  • -  Helps students of translation overcome weaknesses in their translation skills
  • -  Guides those with strong linguistic abilities in both English and Arabic to be introduced into the world of translation
  • -  Sharpens the translation skills of established translators so they could advance their careers
  • -  Introduces students of translation and translators to the essentials of freelance work, CAT tools and types of translation.
  • -  Prepares students for a career in translation by highlighting key job opportunities in this field and skills needed for them.

Certificate Description

A trainee must complete the course with attendance rate over 80% to obtain a certification in Translation as a Career.

Target Attendence

  • -  Students of Translation and/or English Literature
  • -  Students of all university fields (who desire to start a career in translation), provided they have strong linguistic abilities in English and Arabic
  • -  Established translators who are looking to develop their translation skills and use CAT tools not only for future work but also using their old translations to build translation memories.

Translation Pre-Test - Evaluation
Translation Basics/Review
Translation and Grammar
Translation Types & Freelance Work Essentials
CAT Tools: Intro and Practice
English to Arabic Translation: General Translation
Arabic to English Translation: General Translation
Image Here

Ms. Dania Ghraoui

Head of English Department


This course will equip you with the skills and qualifications you need and how you can get started in a career in translation.
