Operational Planning

Level Basic

Course Description

Operational planning is the process of linking strategic goals and objectives with operational goals and objectives. It aims to provide organization's employees with a clear vision of their tasks and responsibilities, in line with the goals and objectives of the strategic plan.

The course combines theory with practice, so trainees will be able to prepare a firm and effective operational plan which ensures that work team and stakeholders achieve real, measurable outputs that take into account the timeline of the operational period.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, trainees should be able to:

  • Develop an operational plan regardless of the organization size & budget
  • Learn operational planning concept and its importance
  • Learn the elements of developing an operational plan
  • Learn the extent of integration between the strategic & the operational plan
  • Learn about operational planning models and tools
  • Learn the mechanism and criteria for forming an operational planning team
  • Apply the concepts of operational planning and prepare operational plans for organizations

Certificate Description

A trainee must pass their examination and attendance with a mark of 80% to obtain a certification in Operational Planning.

Target Attendence

  • Top and middle management directors who are motivated to enhance their skills, abilities and knowledge to become more effective leaders
  • Administrative and supervisory staff
  • Operational planning, monitoring and performance evaluation officers
  • Employees wishing to develop their career path

Differences between Operational Planning and Strategic Planning
Requirements to Develop an Operational Plan
Linking between the Operational Plan & the Strategic Plan
Tools used in preparing the Operational Plan, including Computers
Key Performance Indicators and Application Mechanisms
Follow up the Application of the Operational Plan
Errors in preparing the Operational Plan
The Role of Communication in the Success of the Operational Plan
Steps to write an Operational Plan using SWOT Technique
Setting SMART Objectives
Define Budget for the Operational Plan and Financial Coordination
Practical Tests
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Dr. Muhannad Adnan Oukal

Founder & Chairman of Altanmya Group


Operational Planning is an outline of what your department will focus on for the near future - usually the upcoming year.
