Growth Strategies & Tactics to Outperform Competitors During Crisis

Growth Strategies & Tactics to Outperform Competitors During Crisis

Level Advanced

Course Description

According to international statistics, what positively affects the economy of the country are the entrepreneurs regardless of their different projects, whether theses projects are micro, small, medium or even huge.

This course is designed for entrepreneurs with the aim of focusing on the challenges facing them, wether there is a decrease in sales or withdrawal of customers who were provided with many services to competitors, which negatively affected the entrepreneurs due to their feeling of insecurity and fear of their inability to continue their projects, accordingly they became more hesitant and their decisions emotional and immature.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, trainees should be able to:

  • Understand the four strategies that enable entrepreneurs to continue their projects
  • Learn how to outperform competitors
  • Evaluate business by using Porter's Five Forces

Certificate Description

A trainee must compete the course with attendance rate over 80% to obtain a certification in Growth Strategies & Tactics to Outperform Competetiors during Crisis.

Target Attendence

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Owners
  • People who want to develop their business
  • People who want to start their own business

Business Environment Challenges
Ansouf Growth Strategies
Porter's Five Forces Quiz
Ansof Matrix and the Four Growth Strategies
When to use the Ansof model?
Tests & Quizes on the Four Strategies
Image Here

Dr. Muhannad Adnan Oukal

Founder & Chairman of Altanmya Group


The focus during the course is on the four growth strategies which enable entrepreneurs to continue and grow their project and outperform their competitors.
