Translation Training

Level Advanced
Certificate Translation Training
Abbreviation TransTraining

Course Description

The Translation Training Course focuses on sharpening students’ translation skills by guiding them towards making sound judgments in sentence structure and vocabulary choices in both English and Arabic. It also offers the translators the chance to receive feedback on their work and have constant follow-up that would ensure they hone the skills required to becoming professional translators.

Course Objectives

  • Help students of translation overcome weaknesses in their translation skills
  • Guide those with strong linguistic abilities in both English and Arabic to be introduced into the world of translation 
  • Sharpen the translation skills of established translators so they could advance their careers

Target Attendence

  • Students of Translation and/or English Literature
  • Students of all university fields (who desire to start a career in translation), provided they have strong linguistic abilities in English and Arabic 
  • Established translators who are seeking to develop their translation skills

English to Arabic Translation
Arabic to English Translation
Image Here

Ms. Dania Ghraoui

Head of English Department


The Translation Training Course enhances students’ translation skills by improving their judgment in sentence structure and vocabulary in English and Arabic. It provides feedback and ongoing support to help them develop into professional translators.

  Course   Schedule
  • Saturday11:00 AM - 3:00 PM