Intermediate Accounting

Level Intermediate
Certificate Intermediate Accounting
Abbreviation IA

Course Description

The Intermediate Accounting (IA) training course is designed to enable trainees learn about the basics and certain complexities associated with the international accounting standards IAS along with the concepts and applications of the international financial reporting standards (IFRS) and to help them understand how these standards are used around the world and how to be used in practice.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, trainees should be able to:

  • Enhance their accounting knowledge by learning how to apply accounting principles in accounting for transactions.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of accounting for assets, liabilities, equities, income recognition and measurement. 

Certificate Description

A trainee must pass their examination and attendance with a mark of 80% to obtain a certification in Intermediate Accounting.

Target Attendence

  • Trainees who are interested in developing their accounting skills
  • Employees in banks and financial institutions, whether they have knowledge in accounting or not
  • Trainees who are willing to build a strong foundation in accounting
  • Trainees who are interested in strengthening their accounting terms in English
  • Economics students of all majors

Accounting: The Language of Business
Accounting Cycle
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Financial Instruments
Property, Plant and Equipment
Intangible Assets
Investment Property
Image Here

Mr. Abdulazez Algenaimi

Business Consultant at ALTANMYA - Technology Solutions


Intermediate Accounting is one of the most important courses that builds a strong accounting basis and enables trainees who want to enrich their career by attending preparatory examination courses such as CMA, CIA, CFA, CPA, and DipIFR.

  Course   Schedule
  • Sunday5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Tuseday5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Thursday5:00 PM - 8:00 PM